On Thailand?s border with Myanmar, also known as Burma, a malaria research and treatment clinic is stepping up efforts to eliminate a drug-resistant form of the parasite - before it spreads abroad. Steve Sandford reports from the Mae Sot, Thailand. weiterlesen ...
MD. Hesselink has considered the ways against malaria with chlorine dioxide. He opened another avenue of research here. His reflections are worth reading. However, I should point out that the fight against malaria is closely connected with the water hygiene. Only when the water is healthy, people can be healthy . I want therefore to the new chlorine dioxide products in Pakistan point (see below).
By Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD
22.08.14 | 17:45 Uhr | 8 mal gelesen | So gefunden auf voanews.comDrug Resistant Malaria Spreads in Southeast AsiaOn Thailand?s border with Myanmar, also known as Burma, a malaria research and treatment clinic is stepping up efforts to eliminate a drug-resistant form of the parasite - before it spreads abroad. Steve Sandford reports from the Mae Sot, Thailand. weiterlesen ...
Drug-Resistant Malaria Spreads in Southeast Asia
Published August 22, 2014
On Thailand’s border with Myanmar, also known as Burma, a malaria research and treatment clinic is stepping up efforts to eliminate a drug-resistant form of the parasite - before it spreads abroad. Steve Sandford reports from Mae Sot, Thailand.
Malaria breitet sich aus

THAILAND: Das Gesundheitsministerium warnt vor der gefährlichen Tropenkrankheit Malaria. Von Januar bis zum 13. Juni sind landesweit 11.036 neue Krankheitsfälle festgestellt worden: 3.745 im Süden des Landes, 2.946 im Norden, 2.837 im Nordosten und 1.508 in Zentralthailand.
Der von Moskitos übertragene Erreger Plasmodium falciparum kommt überwiegend in den Grenzgebieten zu Thailands Nachbarstaaten vor. Es reicht ein einziger Stich einer Stechmücke, um sich mit Malaria zu infizieren. Die Anopheles quadrimaculatus gilt als Überträger der Krankheit, an der alljährlich nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO 500.000 Kinder sterben. Mit Sorge beobachtet die WHO die Ausbreitung der therapieresistenten Malaria in asiatischen Ländern wie Kambodscha, Thailand, Vietnam oder Indonesien. Malaria ist weitgehend eine Krankheit der Armen. Sie ist eine Krankheit der Slumbewohner, der legalen und mehr noch der illegalen Wanderarbeiter. Gegen Malaria gibt es keine Schutzimpfung. Vor Mückenstichen schützen Moskitonetze und Insektizide, zudem gibt es Prophylaxe-Medikamente.
Tipps zu Schutzmöglichkeiten vor Malaria:
Other research:
MD. Hesselink has considered the ways against malaria with chlorine dioxide. He opened another avenue of research here. His reflections are worth reading. However, I should point out that the fight against malaria is closely connected with the water hygiene. Only when the water is healthy, people can be healthy . I want therefore to the new chlorine dioxide products in Pakistan point (see below).
On The Mechanisms Of Toxicity Of Chlorine Oxides Against Malarial Parasites - An Overview
By Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD
Copyright September 6, 2007
By Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD
With these products you make water healthy. Water is a healthy solution!
On The Mechanisms Of Toxicity Of Chlorine Oxides Against Malarial Parasites - An Overview |
By Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD
September 6, 2007
With these products you make water healthy. Water is a healthy solution!
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